Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Gift Giving

Christmas is a season of love. It's the holiday.... Having some fun, take some time to relax and be with our family during this season and enjoy ourself.

Its the season of giving...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Any Gifts For Me

Have you asked yourself what is the best gift you have received? Love is the precious gift i ever received in my entire life. The love of my parents as well as my friends gives me motivation to go on and be strong. Life's challenges come our way to make us even more stronger. Parents love is unconditional, they are the one who will lift you when your down, cherished you when your sad. Do everything for you, will always by your side when you needed them. You can surely count on them.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fiesta in Lapulapu City



Happy Holidays

Hoorrraayyyy..... Vacation time once more. Time to be with my family. Spending Christmas season with our love ones are very special moment we ever have because its the only time that we can be together especially when we are far from each other.

Merry Christmas everybody..